
Staff Highlights: Carrie!

SSI recently welcomed a new finance and operations manager, Carrie Ammerman, to our team! Here’s a little bit about Carrie in her own words:

“I came to SSI through unexpected life changes and serendipity. A long-time admirer of SSI’s work, I’m lucky enough to be stepping into the place of a friend and am excited to be a part of such a warm-hearted group of dedicated and fun humans. Favorite hobbies include: hiking, snowshoeing, triathlons, Scottish Highland games, cycling, swimming, functional strength training; gardening, drooling over heirloom seed catalogs, music, and curling up by the fire with my hubby.”

We hope we can one day catch Carrie competing in said Scottish Highland games!

While we are excited to work with Carrie, we were sad to say goodbye to Amber, SSI’s previous finance and operations manager. Amber is now the Administrative Coordinator at John Muir Charter Schools in Nevada City. From Amber: “I would like to express my gratitude for the incredible staff, volunteers, and community members that support and make possible the work of Sierra Streams Institute.” Good luck Amber, we’ll miss you!